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"careers artist vanthanh"SỰ NGHIỆP CỦA HỌA SỸ VĂN THẠNH

Van Thanh learned to paint when he was young…. After 18 years of hardship… He studied in two fine art universities in Vietnam… and worked in many fields while pursuing his painting career… Sacrifice his life for his passion of painting…

                     do petrified wood panels

He learned from other famous artists…. Researching all he could about fine arts and painting, To have money for researching, painting lacquer and other type of painting he sold all his family's fields and gardens in his home town

 … He worked endlessly as a laborer and he sold all of his belonging to support his pursuit.

He received excellent reviews by the Headmaster of Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts University, Truong Phi Duc,

           eggshells into paintings

Mr. Trương said that “he highly appreciated Mr. Thanh’s labour, effort, creation, diligence in studying.  he studied and generated some new materials that enrich lacquer and oil paintings.  Not all new graduates have such an individual paintings exhibition” . 

                     silver inlaid paintings and               gold inlaid paintings

There are only 7 or 8 modern lacquer painters in Vietnam.  Mr. Thanh is one of such few painters. They mainly manage themselves to study for paintings.  Personally, to Mr. Thanh, I think he achieves many creations in paintings such as studying for making up new material, rough paintings attracting viewers, etc,. The university lecturers and I highly appreciate Mr. Thanh’s ability of studying and creating - persistence, and career indulgence.  With such working capacity, and diligently seeking for new and unique things in his career, I believe that Mr. Thanh will be able to develop himself rapidly and make large contributions in the Fine Arts for Vietnam.

lacquer paintings when fossil

…. Mr. Phung Quoc Ham – an art critic….

He also received praise, encouragment, and appreciation from the leading art professor of Vietnam – Mr. Dang Quoc Khoa… “First of all, I want to say congratulations on your success in your career!” You’ve chosen the right and bright way in fine-arts!  Sakyamuni (Buddha) said, that “The worst failure in life is losing ourselves”


                                               lacquer paintings when fossil

You, artist Van Thanh, haven’t lost yourself at all and really have found out who you are in your life, through all the difficulties, the sorrows that you’ve suffered and the worries, the anxiousness as thinking about what true art is. The most importance is you’ve define yourself. A right path is the main factor to get ahead. You’ve owned three features that make you become specific. 

                         lacquer paintings when fossil

First, you’re a natural, plain and honest artist. This feature shows clearly in your painting’s topics, your ways of creating art – images.     Second, most of your paintings have nice illustration of fresh flowers and beautiful leaves.  Flowers and leaves, those make happiness.     Third, you’ve applied the creative thoughts of elder artist generation in art of decoration, you know how to decorate the flowers and leaves and develop your style to express the Earth’s natural beauties. You, the young artist with a great passion are absolutely combined from three features above. 

                   lacquer paintings when fossil

Ten TV programs made documentation films about Van Thanh and 100 major newspapers wrote about him… he has many ongoing projects for the near future. 

                           gold inlaid paintings

The artist Van Thanh was born in 1981 ... He graduated from two fine arts schools in Vietnam.  The Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts University that was founded in 1924 by artist Victor Tardieu, while Vietnam was a French colony.  The genre of the paintings is lacquer oil painting. Those have entered society in the meantime.

                    silver inlaid paintings

Lacquer oil painting drawn from resin that is something similar to amber ... from resins that encircle insects... Which then underwent thousands years in physical processing before it became fossil.  Oil painting Lacquer is mixed with colored resin and reactive powder chemistry to ensure it becomes amber in a short period of time and when painting. 

                colored powder


Each coating applied to the surface layer of silver-plated or gold ...... and eggshell. “xoan” minerals formed under the ground about 1000 years. The process of drawing is very meticulous and must use steam to force it dry. A painting needs from 5 to 6 phases so it takes about 30 days, after that the artist bring it to buffing, polishing.  

        paint exploitation                                                amber fossils


Contemporary lacquer oil painting is considered the more sophisticated and most difficult.  Currently, In Vietnam only few people have such craft.


                     the band ( picture sets  )   lacquer oilpainting comtemporery


  the band ( picture sets  )   lacquer oilpainting comtemporery


   grossed                 lacquer oilpainting comtemporery


         In the rain         lacquer oilpainting           


            Sit swing  lacquer oilpainting 

                        the modern girl  oilpainting

                my summer holiday  oilpainting 

     relax in the garden oilpainting

        waiting for a date  oilpainting

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